This site is maintained by a
former member of B (L&D, PAOY) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.
The content of this site is unofficial and should
not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation (in
particular, the Territorial Army, British Army or the UK Ministry of
Last updated: 11/5/2022
The Official Website for the LDYPAO
If you would like to contribute any
information or pictures to this website then please contact us
using the email link below....

"The Young man, born to this age
of speed, can receive all the excitement he desires in a
rush across country in a tank, which will carry him on
the modern battlefield much more safely and effectively
than the horse.
The mechanisation of the Cavalry may have come as a blow
to the horse lover, but, though the horse has been
replaced by an armoured vehicle, the esprit de corps
and the great fighting traditions of our Cavalry remain
stronger than ever."
Quote from a book on the
Royal Armoured Corps |

website created by:
Griff Morgan-Jones
Special thanks to:
John Taylor, Leicester.
David Knight, for his kind assistance.
{The Private Collection}
The Codrington Family
Leicestershire Yeomanry Collection, The Carillon, Loughborough.
John Sills (Cpl, LDY PAO Regiment)
Steve Attwater (LYSWB Listing)
The British & Commonwealth Military Badge Forum
The Great War Forum
Steven Bosley
The late Robert Smith
Nick Ide

Regional since 13/10/2008
In Memory of
George E Basford
Leicestershire (P.A.O) Yeomanry, 154th (LY) F.Reg, RA.
